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Rabu, 25 April 2012

in skirts

hey!! look...!! skirt is never ending
short-term .. .. no problem for us who want to wear a skirt ... but .... look at the situation and do not forget to stay fashionable ... mix and match the appropriate ... to make us become a celebrity in which we place be ..I have some tips .. with various types of skirts ... that might imitate your friends ..
^^we first start with cargo skirt type ... this skirt makes you more visible as a tomboy girl, but still appealing to the viewer
to work ... This skirt can also be an option we .. by adding a suitable blazer and belt .. great .. for example like this...
go to college ..  ... not forever feel boring ....change the atmosphere there, with .... your styleby adding a t-shirt in the mix with a cuff .. and your hair is tied up .. it makes you look fresher or ..or  use a tank top with stockings .. it makes you more impressed by the glamor

^^fluffy skirt .. yap! fluffy skirt is endless .... but the task for us is how to combine them with other clothes ..
for example .... what would happen if we go kesebuah party ... what to do with fluffy skirt ours ... let's think ...
aaahhhaa bailee style ... let's see .. funny huh?? we can replicate this little girl .. do not forget our sweet smile .. looks cheerful is not it?

how the formal style? the official ceremony .. what ever we have to use the suit? apparently not .. throw away the jacket ... now look at us .. let's make a change!
so .. let's try to integrate a black flowery skirt and shirts and vests .. fit for a formal style


what if we want funky style? follow me ... you just need to add a long t-shirts, vests, shorts and skirts that suits you ... or so ... wear a t-shirt, short coupled with a shirt that was left open ... and Last .. add is the coolest sneakers
taaarraaa ...... create your style!

come on .... style of the '60s look like Elle Fanning ... funny huh?? with a blend of high waisted skirt with a cute dress it .... we do not look outdated so ya? eeh ya .. do not forget his round glasses!
 okay ... come on ... for you who do not like the style of the 60's .... let's see now ... the style by adding a tank top + hat + matching high heels with a high waisted skirt .... yes we look more modern?
or how about this? wearing high waisted skirt with floral .. and wearing a white t-shirt that fits in our bodies and given a big black belt .. then wear a long blue socks ... sunglasses .. and her hair tied up high. .. how?? good right?


Now ... who is not familiar with this type of skirt a skirt .. yes ... definitely a straight pipe type we often see it?
We begin with a simple look ... we just add a sweater and let us walk around the city

If you are a working woman ... wear a skirt like this straight pipe
want to appear more cheerful try wearing a tutu skirt ... like Bella Thorne...

or like they...

Now what about the frilly skirt? This skirt makes us more sweet ... especially if added to the shirt ...

 it uses many of his creations so that skirt? Now let's prepare yourself with these gorgeous skirts ..
become a fashionable person ya friends

                                                                           ^^ de fifi leydra minel^^


Minggu, 15 April 2012

try to love him more

There is a time in my loneliness when I ask myself; do I really love Him?. Do I love Him more than everything in the world?. Do I come to Him as soon as He calls me?. 
He gives me the greatest love, more than my parents', my friends', Whoever in the world. Only He whom knows my biggest sin. ,my secret that I'll keep till I meet  the day, end of my life.
I can't trust anybody. Even my best friend. I wont tell everything about my life to him/her.
Only He whom I can trust
because I know my secrets will save in His hand
He always  cover my sins in front of people
He knows when people knows my sins they will judge me, and treat me like a trash.Yes I am, I'm a trash
But He still loves this trash. He still allow me alife
He still makes all my wishes come true

But I'm afraid, what about if He Punishes me, for all of my sins at last
on the day when I can do nothing but crying

It is so hard for me to love Him more than everything
I must take many consequences, to Love Him
Many and I don't know I can be responsible with my choice or not
Fortunately He has given me a little thing what so called iimaan
for this reason
my answer is, I have to
I can 
I Try to be able to do so

I hope this will be easier than before as realize, that now I can write this all because of HIM

Aku berbisik pada daun-daun yang merasa sepi karena gugur dari dahannya, ia tua kering dan sekarat. Perlahan ku hembuskan kata tanya  tanpa mau mengusiknya. "Apa kau ingin kembali?", matanya sayu berkedip lemah tanpa daya, bibirnya bergetar lirih seperti onggok sampah yang tak sudi menebar bau, "Iya". "Aku ingin kembali menjadi muda, berwarna hijau gagah dan di puja-puja oleh bunga dan matahari, menjadi daya bagi mereka, menjadi pelindung bagi ulat-ulat jelata", "Aku sakit dengan tua ku, aku sedih dengan warna coklat putus asaku, aku muak dengan ke tak berdayaanku aku ingin kembali", bulir air menetes membasahi sekujur tubuh ringkihnya, yang makin lama makin tergerus oleh hembusan angin senja. 

Dengan tenaganya yang tak sampai separuh jiwa, ia bertanya padaku. Si tua renta, yang mulai peka terhadap aroma-aroma kubangan tanah, yang sebentar lagi dipanggil oleh sang Maha Daya, yang sudi tak sudi harus menghadapi kata Mati yang mematikan.... "Apa Kau Ingin Kembali?", Aku merunduk dalam, membuang muka kehamparan alam terluas, menjauhkan rona buruk rupa dari tatapan lemahnya. "Kalaupun bisa, aku tak mau kembali. Aku ingin Ia segera menimbang berat ringan dosaku, Aku ingin segera mengakhiri siksa neraka, setahun, seribu tahun, ratusan ribu tahun tak mengapa, tapi segera... segera saja. Aku benci masa mudaku, aku jijik pada dayaku, aku enggan pada kuasaku yang merusak, menyakiti, dan mengkhianati cinta-cinta mereka... Aku lelah, aku lemah... aku ingin segera ....Tiada. Dalam detik ke tiga kami diam, deras hujan mengibai kami.

surprise this morning

This morning, the garden looks vibrating everywhere. there is a strange light air throb. seems to be terleps flowers, or as if the pieces of fabric are small floating everywhere.
what happened? is it a dream? not, the garden was full of butterflies. These insects make the garden more lively, with their flying patterns are amazing and it's unpredictable. soft colors and lace are valuable on their wings, fun to watch. welcome to our orchards, beautiful friends!